Friday and Saturday September 20-21

I took Friday off to head to Creston with Memphis!  Tori and I decided to have our annual garage sale over Balloon Days Weekend.  Friday morning I dropped Memphis off with Riggins at his day care.  Rigs told me he would take care of Memphis and not let anyone be mean to him.  (melt my heart)

Tori and I decided to go and get set up and do some running around.  By 10:30 am we were ready to go.  Which equals us being bored.  So we decided to go shopping for Tyler and Randy's Birthdays (as I am only a month behind getting my brother a gift).  However, while looking for their gifts we found hats for our selves!
Gosh we look good in our new hats!

After our quick shopping spree we decided to go head to the Windrow (a restaurant in Creston) for lunch and some drinks.  A couple of friends met up with us and we lost track of time and realized we better head back to the house and get started on the garage sale!

Friday night we had a surprise party for some friends of the family so thankfully, dad and Tara said that they would stay and watch the kids while we went out for a couple of hours! 

Saturday morning we got up early to start our sale but we could have waited to open as NO ONE showed up until at least 8:30.  We did sell quite a bit.  But I still have plenty!  Then what didn't help the garage sale was that the balloons took off from a different location because of the wind.  So we didn't see the balloons at all.  It was a big bummer.

Me waiting anxiously for the balloons.  As you can balloons our way, but they did go up!

The many faces of Memphis!  He was very intent on eating donuts...might be all he ate for the day!

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