July 31-August 3

July 31
Peggy, Memphis and I all head to mom's house to help her get ready for her big opening of Gracie's Hutch!  We loaded my car down with all of Peggy's sewing "stuff," so that she could help mom out with some embroidering on towels for the store.  We arrived with sweet corn and mom and Brent were thrilled to have Iowa Sweet Corn!
After we had dinner we headed over to the cabin (Gypsy's Paradise, if you need a getaway let me know)!  We went over so that we could Facetime with my Aunt so we could see the newest addition to our family!  Breann and Mike welcomed Eli James to the world that day and we were able to see him up close, along with everyone else!!!

August 1
We headed to Decorah, Iowa to do a little shopping.  That is a neat town!  We spent the day just walking the downtown area and then headed to Lansing, Iowa (this is where Gracie's Hutch is located).  In the meantime we stopped at a Creamry for some ice cream.  But before that mom got pulled over...lucky ass got out of the speeding ticket!  Just a warning this time to slow it down!

Once we got back to Ferryville we thought Memphis needed some time to RUN!  So the park was calling our name!
Memphis had a lot of fun

These two might have had more fun!

Peggy decided that she would go down the slide with Memphis but her poor knees don't bend like they used too and she got her knees stuck at the top of the slide.  You can see the nice progression of pictures.  Mom did try to help but all she really did was laugh.  Thankfully Peggy was laughing most of the time, the rest she was just trying to figure out how to get the hell out of this slide!  She figured it out eventually...after I took pictures of everyone up there!

August 2
Today was the day of working in the store to help mom get ready for her opening.  We accomplished quite a bit and Memphis so so amazing there.  It did help that he slept for a good 2 or more hours while we did most of the work.  But even then he would play out on the deck (which by the way I think I could hang out all day on that deck when the weather is nice and warm)!
Gracie's Hutch

Memphis and I out on the deck!  Love!

Chillin' at Grammy's house

August 3
This morning Memphis and GG thought that they needed to play.  She is pretty gentle with kids and had a nice game of tug of war!
After the game we packed up and headed out to go home.

Mom we wish you the best of luck with Gracie's Hutch!  If any of you are ever near Lansing, Iowa check it out!!!!

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