Thursday February 26

Last night we got a letter in the mail from Johnston Community School District stating that Memphis was accepted into their 4 year old preschool!  YAY!  He will go to Lawson Elementary in the mornings.  I am very happy that he will be at Lawson; Randy also went to Lawson, so that is pretty cool!

Now to start planning for transportation, which I know in time it will be all figured out, but however how do parents that work full time make this work?  Seriously?  I guess most just send their kids to a center (which is WAY expensive) and I think I am so used to not paying that much.  Oh well, we will figure it out, I am just happy we got what we wanted for Memphis!

Acceptance Letter! 

Monday February 23

Tonight Noah had his Blue and Gold Banquet for Cub Scouts!  It is hard to believe that he is down to one year left of Cub Scouts and then he will become a Boy Scout!  It is pretty awesome.  Noah has done a nice job of getting what he needs for his Webelo badges. 
This weekend, Randy and Noah are heading to Spring Brook for a campout.  Thankfully, they stay indoors but it sounds like they will be outside part of the time!  I am so excited for Noah to go (and I am pretty sure that Randy is excited to go)!

Friday February 13

Today Memphis celebrated Valentine's Day at Karen's house.  Last night he was up coloring all of his hearts for his Valentine's he was handing out at Karen's for their party.  He colored and colored those hearts!!! 
This morning Memphis had to have the front of his hair spiked so he could look like Riggins!  However, if he wants it spiked his hair needs to be a tad shorter!

Saturday February 7

Tonight we celebrated Zach's birthday.  Chris and Sara rented the Urbandale Pool for the party and we had the whole pool to our selves!  It was so much fun.  Zach and Noah wasted no time jumping in and swimming.  Memphis on the other hand was scared, however Britney grabbed him and worked and worked with him on swimming and he is now a little fish!!  I was so thankful for Britney spending time with Memphis helping him learn to swim! 

The big kids had fun jumping off the diving board.  Below Randy is trying to see how high he could get, however I could never snap a quick enough picture so it just looks like he is going to belly flop it in, but I promise that didn't happen or I would have gotten a picture of the red stomach!

Me and my little fish!

Monday February 2

One of the Superbowl commercials that I thought was pretty good was McDonald's commercial on them giving out a free meal if you do something special (so they paid with love).  Well today, Randy and the boys went to McDonald's for lunch and they got their meal paid for!  They had to dance (well Noah wouldn't) but Memphis and Randy did (I wish I could have been there)!  I think this is pretty cool that McDonald's is doing this.  Randy did say it was pretty neat.

Sunday February 1

Today we got a ton of snow and it is Superbowl Sunday!  Not thrilled about the two teams playing but I always enjoy the commercials and food!!!  We watched the game over at Peggy and Craig's house, Tony and Britney were also there.

Front yard, there should be a driveway.  Do you see it?  Yeah, I don't either.  I am ready for a vaca to Florida!

This is what happens when you leave your phone unattended!