Thursday August 22

So a couple days after my grandma passed we decided to go up to her Cabin, as my Aunt had never been there.  A tradition of ours was to take picture on the rock that is near the cliff.  So we thought that we should do that since it was my Aunt's first time!  As you will be able to see from the pictures there is a blur.  We truly believe that it is "Nan."  She was there with us and proof that she will always be with us. 
These pictures are pretty amazing.  The camera we used was my mom's and she had used it just before we took pictures and there were no "blurs" as she was at her house and when we got to Nan's Cabin the "blur" appeared. 
I truly believe there are angel's among us and I am thankful to know that my grandma is one of them!
You can see "Nan" hoovering over my mom.

Near Brit and on my mom lap

She is really big here as Nan would be so nervous when the kids were near the edge of the cliff

Right above Auntie Peggy and Jaycee


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