Thursday February 16

Last night we had Craig over for dinner and I decided I was going to make meatloaf, au gratin potatoes (homemade) and green beans.  Sounds like an easy meal, well it was until I sliced open my thumb while using the my slicer and tried to slice off my thumb.  OUCH!  Thankfully, Randy came home a few minutes after I cut myself.  Him and Craig took a look at it and both decided that the doctor's wouldn't put stitches in it, so I just have to keep it wrapped for the day.
You really do not think how often you use your thumb until you have a bandage over it and can't really use it.  Such as: buttoning your pants, brushing your teeth, combing your hair, trying to style your hair (reason my hair is in pony tail today!), finish the rest of dinner (not an easy task, but did it and I might add, it was pretty darn good), changing a diaper, putting on baby clothes, typing, and etc.  This list can go on and on!
Tonight we have conferences for Noah, I am hoping it will be pretty good news as he has been doing better in school!  YAY!  But we will find out for sure tonight.
Memphis hanging out in his crib playing with his football!

My bandaged thumb!  :(  But on a positive note, the throbbing has gone away!

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